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achieving greatness through poor grammar and spelling mistakes

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The life of a traveling electrician pt 1

The Life of a Traveling Electrician

From Grande Prairie, High Prairie, Dawson Creek or Fox Creek. Lloydminster and Ft MacMurry, The black gold rush has taken me everywhere. Panning for gold, metaphorically of course, and hunting the almighty dollar. It never shocks me what people will do for money, what always shocks me is what people do WITH their hard earn dollars. I never realized how people could put value on a high, basically cancelling out living in a desolate area but never being sober enough to realize where they are. The trade off of course is making insane paycheques, however they remain in the same spot forever because of the counter production of it all. Any advice to anyone seeking quick cash and a successful life is to not get caught up in the drinks, drugs and of course, hoes. A lot of the time it seems like too many people are trying to live a repetitive rap song. In any case enough rambling… My life… Fox Vegas is where I am presently living, with Billy, my roommate since forever. We travel the lands in search of money. All of this may sounds great, but what are the repercussions you ask if you do not get tied up in any of the aforementioned problems? Relationships… Building relationships with people who seem cancerous to your well being and sacrificing relationships with people that should be a major part of your life. You begin to realize that the ones that let you work to stay in their lives are the important people who you should hold on to forever. Whether its a text ever so often or a phone call, Facebook or Skype, you begin to cherish every ounce of human connection with the people back home that are fading away. So with the realization that I, nor anyone, should be alone forever you set up a "5 year plan", and of course this plan consist of making mad dough and falling in love (fairytale right?). Again a problem arises, in order for one to fall in love they must somehow build a relationship with someone awesome, to properly swoon them of course. See the dilemma? Make money, sacrifice life and location, equals less quality people, equals less quality relationships, which brings us not only to a run on sentence but also the the very shocking fact that it will be very difficult to promote the creation of this "love" thing. Things weren't always this complicated you know, once upon a time life was as simple as go to school, get good grades, girls are alright but I'd rather know every poke'mon ever created and ride my bike with my friends. Oh how life changes, or societies opinion of what you can do that is socially accepted and deems you successful changes. Yet still we decide to plug away and live it. Live every stormy day in June when you swear that if the sun doesn't come out you are giving up. Live when your landlord evicts you because he is having a bad day and can't deal with the stress. Someone said that these are just experiences to be cherished and learn from. That each and every time "shit happens" you rise up from this shit and learn how to prevent it from happening again. At the very least coping with it better than melting down and crying for hours in the shower… or whatever.

Anyways because of my lack of internet in this quant town I will be uploading blogs in mass amounts, this is sometime in June, from somewhere north of where I want to be… stay tuned

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